The Checkpoint
Helping men become better leaders, husbands and fathers for God’s glory.
46 episodes
Purpose feat. Geoff Van Leeuwen (E7/S3)
Purpose. What is our true purpose?Guest Geoff VanLeewen, a fellow disciple, joins us to share some of his journey.You will be encouraged and challenged as we talk about:What do you find security (sa...
Season 3
Episode 7

Healing from Trauma feat. Brian Smilde (E6/S3)
Today's podcast featured Pastor and Counselor Brian Smilde. Brian does his counseling with West Michigan Wellness. His area of focus is informed by facing trauma and our past woundedness. If we avoid it or suppress it, it tends t...
Season 3
Episode 6

Ministry Mindset in handling conflict feat. John Riley (E5/S3)
Guest John Riley is back to talk about how to approach conflict with a ministry mindset. This can be done in conflict if on a church security team or in other interpersonal conflicts. Last season he joined us for: De-escalation: gentle resp...
Season 3
Episode 5

Questions With Mike, Part 2 (E4/S3)
Mike is back, with some more questions as he grows in his faith. These have come up as he is growing in his faith and having discussions with his Mom, brother and daughter.Pastor Curt has joined us for this session, being brought ...
Season 3
Episode 4

Mental Health feat. Dr. Aaron Plattner (E3/S3)
Psychiatrist Aaron Plattner discusses the variety of ways mental issues we face can be handled.There are many factors that make up who we are and how we feel: > Biology >...

Questions, with Mike - Part 1 (E2/S3)
We discuss Mike's top questions he has had, as he looks to disciple people via his blog by sharing his journey of faith, he wants to give them the proper answers. Q1: How do you know when it is actually God talking to ...
Season 3
Episode 2

Make Disciples with guest Dr Michael Cooper (E1/S3)
The New Testament book of Ephesians gives us many good aspects of what biblical Disciple Making looks like. Dr. Michael Cooper, author of the book Make Disciples - Discovery the Spiritual Journey of a Christ-Follower outlines mor...

These Are A Few Of Our Favorite Things... (E18/S2)
The end of a year, the start of a new year. In this time of transition, join us as we share some resources that we read or listen to - books and podcasts. As you prayerfully consider how and where to invest your time and grow in ...
Season 2
Episode 18

Boys To Men - What is the difference? (E17/S2)
Boys to Men: What does a man of God look like - as compared to being a boy?What defines manhood? What are the blessings and joys of being a man? It seems our culture today has eroded much of the common historical understanding of thi...
Season 2
Episode 17

Addiction (with guest Caleb Jones) (E16/S2)
Caleb Jones from West Michigan Wellness joins us and talks about Addiction. He shares his personal sobriety story, things that helped him find recovery and some of the dynamics in facing and finding freedom from addiction.Addicti...

Fear Not (E15/S2)
FEAR or FEAR NOTAs follow up to S2/E13, fear is a primary emotion. The secondary emotions surfaced from fear are feeling anxious, insecure, inferior, panic.Fear often comes from possibly losing something: love, identity...

Pride - Praise: When is it healthy versus unhealthy? (E14/S2)
Pride and praise, when is it healthy? When is it unhealthy? What does Scripture say about this? What is appropriate for us to do as followers of Christ? Join us as we reflect on this and draw on some of what Scripture says about it.

Communication amidst Conflict: Master or Disaster? (E13/S2) (feat. guest Jim Brazel)
Our guest, relationship counselor Jim Brazel from West Michigan Wellness group talks about four typical stages conflict can progress through that lead to disaster - and helpful ways you can learn how to master conflict in communication to bring...
Season 2
Episode 13

Step out of your comfort zone (E12/S2)
Scott shared some of the challenges or hopes he has for others by stepping out and going on a mission trip, having recently gone on one with Paradise Bound to Guatemala. See the people as people, not the poverty

Drift happens, then what? (E11/S2)
Drift: to slowly move off courseWhat causes us to drift in our spiritual disciplines and walk with God?We all, at times, find ourselves getting out of regular, life giving rhythms - mentally, physically, schedule, et...

Stand Shoulder To Shoulder (E10/S2)
How to Help Hurting Men - Standing shoulder to shoulder.Kevin DeKam, counselor and owner of West Michigan Wellness Group shares insights and tips in areas:Spotting men who may be hurt...
Season 2
Episode 10

How to do a Quiet Time with God in Scripture (E9/S2)
As regular listeners, you have heard us share in each episode our personal reflection on Scripture from our own "Quiet Time" with God. In this episode we talk more about the "HOW" of doing a Quiet Time. Listen and be encouraged as ...

In the Valley w/ Guest Jeff Uherek (E8/S2)
In the valley... a story of life transformationSo many nuggets in this episode!Listen as Jeff shares his journey of faith. When buried in shame and choosing isolation, a Christian brother invited him to fellowship with o...
Season 2
Episode 8

De-escalation: gentle-response with Guest John Riley (E7/S2)
How you react to others can change the course of events - for the better or the worse.Join us as we gain wisdom in our discussion about de-escalation with special guest John Riley.John shares his wisdom from training Church...
Season 2
Episode 7

Sports (E6/S2)
Sports. ...the Good. ...and the Bad. Listen as we reflect on some of the good things sports provides, and some of the negative sides that also can grow out of sports.Why do we love sports? What problems come from sports?Wha...

Overwhelmed (E5/S2)
We all feel overwhelmed at times. How do you know when you are overwhelmed? What can trigger this feeling? What do you do when it happens? What rhythms have you found to help minimize becoming overwhelmed? Join our discu...
Season 2
Episode 5

Don't Be A Fool (E4/S2)
Proverbs: A book of wisdom, in direct contrast with foolishness. In Proverbs we learn that A FOOL: lacks wisdom, has no concern for others, does not desire to avoid sin, and brags about his sinful actions. Or more simply a f...
Season 2
Episode 4

Take a break! (E3/S2)
Vacation: taking time to enjoy family, creation . A break from your routine, from your work, is a healthy thing. Hopefully we have fun memories of vacations growing up. We do! and we shared some of these impactful moments.<...
Season 2
Episode 3