The Checkpoint
The Checkpoint
Don't Be A Fool (E4/S2)
Proverbs: A book of wisdom, in direct contrast with foolishness. In Proverbs we learn that A FOOL: lacks wisdom, has no concern for others, does not desire to avoid sin, and brags about his sinful actions. Or more simply a fool is anyone who rebukes and runs away from God's wisdom. A fool is directly mentioned 71 times directly (and 100 indirectly).
Listen as we discuss the some of the proverbs and how as men of God we can use them to better identify how we should live and use them to guard against our sinful nature and natural tendency to not choose God and his ways.
"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Do everything in love.."
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 ESV
Proverbs: A book of wisdom, in direct contrast with foolishness. In Proverbs we learn that A FOOL: lacks wisdom, has no concern for others, does not desire to avoid sin, and brags about his sinful actions. Or more simply a fool is anyone who rebukes and runs away from God's wisdom. A fool is directly mentioned 71 times directly (and 100 indirectly).
This problem has been around obviously as long ago as King Solomon, who wrote Proverbs, it is not a new issue. We would all do well to reflect a bit more on why we tend to live the way we do, or make the choices we do. On one hand, intellectually we can see the blessing in being wise and the harm in being a fool, yet if we are honest we too often in our lives we find ourselves acting foolishly.
Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding."
The proverbs compare and contrast two ways of life:
a fools life - leads to destruction
a wise life - leads to life
What/who are you following? The devil? the world? or King Jesus? We find great insight and instruction in how we can and should act as men of God in the Proverbs. Use the proverbs to help you be prepared, to deepen your convictions about right and wrong, giving you strength to live more as a wise person. Consider memorizing proverbs, so these truths are always on your lips - to apply in your life and use to instruct you 'in the moment' before making a foolish choice.
Proverbs 26:11 "Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly."
Proverbs 12:15 "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice." ESV
Character comparisons:
Fool (avoid) Wise (promote, pursue)
anger contentment
dishonesty faithful
greed generosity
inappropriate desire peaceful
jealousy leadership
fighting kindness
laziness patience
pride humility
Be willing to be a "fool" for the Lord
Are you willing to be foolish in the world's eyes? By sharing the Gospel and investing in 'the least of these', as called to and modeled by Christ, the world will say we are foolish. Yet, our Lord and Savior says the last will be first.
Be Wise, Don't be a Fool.
Proverbs 13:20 "Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm." ESV
Surround yourself with godly people, wise people - not worldly, foolish people!
Richard shared how after a bit of 'wilderness', he is back in a regular rhythm of daily Quiet Times and has noticed what a wonderful blessing this is! It also helps that he has an ally and there are texting daily the verses they reflect on, for encouragement and accountability.
- Psalm 119:9-16 - Intentionally Living According to God's Word
- Matthew 11:28 - I will give you rest...My yoke is easy
- Mark 9:35 - Deny yourself
The purpose of our podcast is to help each other be better leaders, husbands and fathers for God's glory. Our discussions are based on elements from the Men's Ministry at Hillcrest Christian Reformed Church in Hudsonville, MI. For more information about us, check our website and hillcrestcrc.org