The Checkpoint
The Checkpoint
Questions With Mike, Part 2 (E4/S3)
Mike is back, with some more questions as he grows in his faith. These have come up as he is growing in his faith and having discussions with his Mom, brother and daughter.
Pastor Curt has joined us for this session, being brought in as an expert for the 'hard hitting questions'. Curt did a 'Jesusy' thing by asking additional questions to help shed light to narrow in on an answer to these questions as we look at Scripture.
Listen to the podcast as we discuss our understanding of the Biblical response to them.
Q1: Once someone is saved, are they always saved?
Q2: If a person lives a loving and caring life, how can God send them to hell?
Q3: What would you say to someone that has a fear of eternal life?
Mike is also sharing some of his 'thinking out loud' on his blog:
"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Do everything in love.."
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 ESV
Mike is back, with some more questions as he grows in his faith. These have come up as he is growing in his faith and having discussions with his Mom, brother and daughter.
Pastor Curt has joined us for this session, being brought in as an expert for the 'hard hitting questions'. Curt did a 'Jesusy' thing by asking additional questions to help shed light to narrow in on an answer to these questions as we look at Scripture.
Mike is also sharing some of his 'thinking out loud' on his blog:
Listen to the podcast as we discuss our understanding of the Biblical response to them.
Q1: Once someone is saved, are they always saved?
...who does the saving? God alone.
Some versus we discussed were Hebrews 6:4-6, Romans 7:15, Ephesians 2:1-10, Romans 9:15, John 10:28, Romans 5:20, 1 Corinthians, and Q&A 54 and 60 in the Catechism
Q2: If a person lives a loving and caring life, how can God send them to hell?
...who deserves to go to heaven? None of us. Only a perfect person, and only Jesus is perfect.
...who deserves to go to hell? each one of us, we all sin and fall short.
...what does Jesus say? only those who believe in Jesus are saved, trust Him and follow Him as Lord
...would a person who never loved Jesus a day in their life want to go to heaven?
Some versus we discussed were Romans 3, Romans 5, John 3:16-18, 1 John 5, Romans 6:23
Q3: What would you say to someone that has a fear of eternal life?
Philippians 1:23. Get to know God now, as you get to know Him your view of eternal life will increase in desirability and will replace your fears.
I think you will agree it was valuable to have Mike back on for this additional conversation.