The Checkpoint
The Checkpoint
Sports (E6/S2)
Sports. ...the Good. ...and the Bad.
Listen as we reflect on some of the good things sports provides, and some of the negative sides that also can grow out of sports.
Why do we love sports? What problems come from sports?
What defines a sport? Pick the definition you would agree with:
(a) You can't do it while eating a hot dog. If you can, it is NOT a sport.
(b) competition between two or more relatively equally skilled parties according to a set of rules
"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Do everything in love.."
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 ESV
Sports. The Good. The Bad.
Why do we love sports? What problems come from sports?
What defines a sport?
Pick the definition you would agree with:
(a) You can't do a sport while eating a hot dog. If you can, it is NOT a sport.
(b) competition between two or more relatively equally skilled parties according to a set of rules
Can be a basis to build friendships and community as a common interest, or as teammates. Being in a sport can teach many skills like teamwork, leadership, social interaction, etc.
Coaches or parents can be too negative with athletes, winning can become an idol (worshipped as most important instead of God - our time, attention, emotions), our fervor for winning may cause us to be less than loving in relationship to others (referees, other players or parents), it can stoke our pride in unhealthy ways.
- Psalm 46:10 - Be still-God will be honored
- 2 Timothy 2:3 - Endure hardship with us
- Matthew 16:5-12 - Do you still not understand?
- Mark 14:31 - Overconfidence in self
The purpose of our podcast is to help each other be better leaders, husbands and fathers for God's glory. Our discussions are based on elements from the Men's Ministry at Hillcrest Christian Reformed Church in Hudsonville, MI. For more information about us, check our website and hillcrestcrc.org