The Checkpoint

Questions, with Mike - Part 1 (E2/S3)

March 05, 2024 Hillcrest CRC Hudsonville Season 3 Episode 2
The Checkpoint
Questions, with Mike - Part 1 (E2/S3)
Show Notes Transcript

We discuss Mike's top questions he has had, as he looks to disciple people via his blog by sharing his journey of faith, he wants to give them the proper answers.

  Q1: How do you know when it is actually God talking to you?
  Q2: How does  the devil use the world to get us to question God or God's existence?
  Q3: How do we find our calling in life?

  Q4: What if you feel you are too bad of a person for God to want to save you?

Mike, our guest, recently began attending our church and is a self-declared newer believer, joined us and asked several very good questions that we discussed.

Mike, Chad and some of their neighbors have been doing the Every Man a Warrior men's Biblical discipleship program  for the last 7 months or more. Mike has been transparent about his growing faith in God and is willing to ask questions as he grows.  Mike realizes other people also have questions and has started  his own blog as a way to process his thoughts and help others.

Here is Mike's blog:

"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Do everything in love.."
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 ESV

Listen as we explore something new!
Mike, our guest, recently began attending our church and is a self-declared newer believer, joined us and asked several very good questions that we discussed.

Mike, Chad and some of their neighbors have been doing the Every Man a Warrior men's Biblical discipleship program  for the last 7 months or more. Mike has been transparent about his growing faith in God and is willing to ask questions as he grows.  Mike realizes other people also have questions and has started  his own blog as a way to process his thoughts and help others. Here is his blog:

Mike shared that Every Man a Warrior has made a huge change in his life. He is now praying, praying with a purpose for the first time - sharing his feelings in his prayers. He feels comfortable putting things out there, being as honest as he can. Things about his past and present, good and bad, and does not know who is reading it.

Mike's mom was a single mom. At one point, they were homeless. He did spend some time in church as a youth, but from 14 to 24 he had nothing to do with church. Then he met his wife after moving from West Michigan to Las Vegas, and sees that God provided for them to meet there and she changed the direction of his life.

As an adult, no one provided 'the push' to help him grow -- he was not committed and did not find others that were committed. He believed the common saying or view that "all Christians are hypocrites" and this was part of the barrier to him really connecting to a church in the past. He shared he can pull away, or has in the past, when he feels people are judging him.

One of the biggest reasons for him to come on the podcast with his questions is that as he looks to disciple people, he wants to give them the proper answers. he came to talk with us on the podcast.  The questions we discuss are ones he has had at one time, and since has also experienced others having the same questions.

It is both exciting to  help someone who has questions, but also comes with some fear that we might give them bad information. So, here the questions, listen to the podcast for the discussion as we answer them.   

Q1: How do you know when it is actually God talking to you?
Q2: How does  the devil use the world to get us to question God or God's existence?

Q3: How do we find our calling in life?

Q4: What if you feel you are too bad of a person for God to want to save you?

Down the road we hope to have Mike back on the podcast with more questions to discuss.


The purpose of our podcast is to help each other be better leaders, husbands and fathers for God's glory. Our discussions are based on elements from the Men's Ministry at Hillcrest Christian Reformed Church in Hudsonville, MI. For more information about us, check our website and